
Upcoming Shows:






Hi. I'm Dan. You may remember me from such films as "I used to be in Shoe Gang,"
or "I am so Good Looking [the Story of Dan]."
Okay enough fucking around.
To anyone who actually might still come here looking for news, you can spend that
time on more profitable pursuits. There hasn't been, and won't be, any for a while. "A while" meaning for
the rest of your life.
Thanks to everyone who made this band what it was, at least for us- something of
truly indescribable beauty, fun, and satisfaction. You know all know who you are. You were there- you sang, punched,
roundhoused, and gave it your all. No one will ever take that away from any of us. No description of the
last four years will do them justice. If you were there, you just know. Thanks guys. You'll see us
Special thanks to Victor.
Linked by Fate, truly.
All of our Love,
Dan, Chris, Mike, & Beezer
PS- In the last four years if Shoe Gang or any of our esteemed associates have:
Publicly insulted you (Swearing, berating, name calling,
Stolen something you own
Broken something you own
Shit-talked/slandered you
Ruined your show
Embarassed you
Threated assault you
Assaulted you
Shut down your venue temporarily
Shut down your venue permanently
Ruined your:
Said we would book you, then never did
Said we would play, then never did
Promised you free shit
Not paid you
Paid you much less than we should have
Were late in paying you
Made you pay us more than we should have
...we are sorry. Actually, no we're not. You probably deserved it.
For booking, E-mail Dan at MrLax4@aol.com.






